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In The Midst Of Social Distancing, I’m Writing Another Novel.
2019 was a killer on my creative writing.
I had a great idea for a new novel.
It was inspired by a few local events in my neighborhood.
I researched, read the news stories, and outlined a few interesting fictional characters who would be in on the action.
The characters had names, jobs, backstory.
But then I didn’t care.
I tried again, with a slightly different angle, but it devolved into a crime story.
And guess what? I’m no good at writing crime stories. I like to watch them and sometimes read them, but I do not know how to make the beats match up and have a surprise a-ha moment or whatever.
It’s work and I’m happy for the people that are naturally talented in that way. Or have decided to study and hone their craft in those areas.
But it’s not me.
You know what I studied in grad school? Experimental fiction. Weird stuff. Postmodern messes.
That’s what I like.
For better or worse, I mostly read experimental literary fiction. And usually, it’s for worse, because literary fiction doesn’t sell well.