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How To Expand Your Curiosity With A Simple Note-Taking Habit
There are always things that we have to do in life that we don’t like.
The smartest and most ambitious are trying to figure out “hacks” or ways to solve those problems.
Don’t like taxes? File online.
Don’t like walking or driving yourself to a restaurant? Delivery service.
However, many of us kind of float by not thinking about if there’s anything else, and only pursuing convenience.
I love delivery services and people doing taxes for me, but if you’re trying to find the easy way out of every situation, your character and perseverance suffer.
You will lack mental toughness.
When difficult times come, you’ll have no experience of forging through.
Sure, but how does this relate to curiosity & note-taking?
Here’s how it relates:
If you’re only taking in the surface answers, the quick hacks, and not poring through any harder material, you won’t have any new ideas.
You won’t make any new connections.
You’ll only be repeating what the Twitter thread bros have told you was acceptable.