6 Ways to Add More Simplicity To Your Life

Josh Spilker
4 min readFeb 7, 2024
Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

I keep reading articles about how we’re more anxious now.

Here’s one.

And another.

I live in the middle of Manhattan, and you can feel all around.

It’s not just that people walk fast, it’s that people are insecure in their jobs.

Not because they’re not doing well — -but are they doing great? Great enough to succeed? Great enough to win?

The questions keep coming.

  • Will you get a bigger house or apartment?
  • Are your kids in a “good” school? What about an “amazing” one?
  • Have you gone to this restaurant? Couldn’t get a reservation? We did

It’s hard to be content.

To enjoy anything.

It’s easy to find examples with my children (more ice cream please!) so I’ll turn it inward.

Right now as I write this my leg is bouncing. Why? A form of anxiety.

Right now as I write this I bite my fingers. Why? A form of anxiety.

I’ve started this year by being a bit more intentional about how I begin my days.

Here are a few tips. These are by no means exhaustive and you may even already do some of these already.

